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“As we explore the aura and the chakras, it is important for us to view our journey not as revolutionary, but rather as very traditional. Chakras, as well as auras and electromagnetic fields, are as old as the earth itself. The chakra system, in fact, is a part of the ancient and lost mysteries. And, in the end, the chakra system in our bodies is how we find our way back to the most ancient mystery of all—God, the Oneness, the Omniscient.” —Rosalyn L. Bruyere, Wheels of Light

Part 1 Alignment to Source Energy

The chakras are sacred energy centers located along the spinal column which play a major role in our overall health and vitality. Chakra means “wheel” or “disc” in Sanskrit and the chakras are so-named because these energy systems spin like vortices outward from the spine to the fronts and the backs of our bodies. You can
imagine each of the seven major chakras as a funnel-shaped, whirling mass of energy, in which a mild suction operates (like a whirlpool), drawing universal energy down into the physical plane and into the body. In the chakra system, each vortex contains (among other energetic patterns) programmed or imprinted energy that governs our experience. We draw to ourselves the energy that we vibrate in harmony with—and that’s all the more reason to get our energy systems balanced so that we can create a lighter, happier experience here on the physical plane! Having a healthy chakra system is key to living a successful, abundant life.

The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BCE in a large body of ancient sacred texts called The Vedas. According to traditional teachings, there are over 88,000 chakras in our beings. In more recent belief systems, there are primary and secondary chakra systems and channels through which our chi or prana—also called vital energy or kundalini energy—flows (see also below). These channels are also called nadis—and there are as few as 114 or as many as 72,000 of these channels in our physical bodies— depending upon the belief system you work with. As noted, in this section, we will discuss just the seven main chakras in the human body and the effect they have on our consciousness.

The seven major chakras are, starting from the ground up:

• The root chakra, located between the legs in the area of the perineum,• The sacral chakra, located above the pubic bone, below the navel,
• The solar plexus chakra, located in the area of the navel, below the breastbone,
• The heart chakra, located center-chest, in the area of the heart,
• The throat chakra, located at the center of the throat,
• The third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows,
• The crown chakra, located at the top of the head.

Please refer to Part II, below, to learn specifics about each chakra, which body part or emotion it relates to, etc. and how the health / balance of each chakra can affect our lives. For now, suffice it to say these wheels of light are the catalysts of consciousness and govern our basic human functions. They control everything from our survival instincts and self-esteem to our ability to communicate and experience love freely.

As mentioned, each chakra relates to certain organs, glands, and life issues. If one or more chakras are blocked, restricting the flow of source-energy, we may experience emotional and health problems and an overall feeling of stagnation. Physical and emotional traumas create pain and result in a negative energetic charge in the associated chakra. Limited energy flowing in the chakra system can also prevent us from obtaining higher states of consciousness.

If you envision your chakras as pools of energy that vibrate within the subtle body—the etheric, astral, and mental planes—you can begin to appreciate that if your pools of light become stagnant with stress, poor diet, and the simple trials and tribulations of everyday life, you can prevent energy from flowing freely, thus creating disharmony within your being.
Holistic practitioners believe that many of our physical ailments are rooted in an imbalance of our emotional, physical, spiritual, mental, or subtle bodies. Illness may be caused by a blockage in energy flow through the chakras, or may be due to a disturbance in our subtle light body.

The light body, being connected as it is to universal intelligence, knows how to heal itself. Our job as healers—and as ‘owners’ of bodies—is to listen to the wisdom of the light body, to balance the chakras, the aura, and our subtle energy bodies, and thereby to aid in the rebuilding of the mind-body-spirit connection and the recovery of vibrant health. Our bodies speak to us in the language of light—we simply need to learn a new way to listen.

Part II Healing the Chakras

Many people do not know about the incredible life-force energy and healing power that lies within each and every one of us. Our subtle energy centers—our auras and our chakras—govern our experience on the earth plane, they connect us to the unseen cosmic sea of energy that surrounds us at all times.

Our auras are, in a sense, treasure chests containing gifts of higher senses just waiting to be accessed and unlocked. For example the seven major chakras within the aura are said to be in direct communication with seven rays of cosmic light and, connected together, they create the so-called “rainbow bridge”—a celestial link
that allows cosmic energy to flow continuously from us to Spirit and our higher Selves, filling our bodies, minds, and souls with the light of the Divine. This energy flows in and out and is absorbed and processed through each chakra. Thus, our chakras are the streams of energy that flow from our physical body to the spiritual, heavenly bodies.

At the base chakra is a powerful energy called kundalini energy (also known as ‘serpent energy’). When this sleeping, spiritual energy is awakened, it rises up along the spine and through each chakra, activating its full potential. As each chakra is returned to harmony within itself, a process is activated whereby an energy vortex is opened and the perfected qualities and energy of that chakra are projected upward into the next chakra. The process is repeated until the crown chakra is activated. As we raise and stabilize this kundalini energy, we reach a state of energetic harmony and begin to create our own reality consciously.

The chakra system begins to spin at such a high revolutionary rate that it turns the spinal column into a blazing pole of light and the Rays of the Creator pour down through the pole of light and infuse all of the chakras.

As our chakras awaken, they start to spin. The light emanating from them resembles a lotus flower unfolding its petals, opening up to the light. This is why each chakra is symbolized by a many-petaled lotus flower. Each chakra also has a unique color—and combined, their colors manifest as the human aura.

Below, we present an overview of the meaning, function, features, and purpose of each of the chakras in the human subtle energy field.

As you begin to work with the chakras, try to connect with each center; use the mantras and the gems associated with each one to aid you in opening to the flow of energy through that chakra. For example, sounds create vibrations in the body to help your cells to work in harmony.

Chanting the tones or sounds affiliated with each chakra will help to align the chakras and heal the parts of the body related to that chakra’s energy. Similarly, placing gems and semi-precious stones strategically during meditation and visualization can assist in balancing the chakras.

The 1st Chakra – the Root Chakra (Muladhara)
This symbol represents the four-petaled lotus. The word Muladhara breaks down into two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.”
Color – Red.
Element – Earth.
Location – Base of the spine, the first three vertebrae, the pelvic floor.
Body Connections – Skeleton, spinal column, leg, foot, blood, bone, teeth, rectum, immune system, adrenal gland.
Mantra – “LAM.”
Gems – Black tourmaline, bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, hematite.
Represents – Security, safety, survival, basic needs (such as food, sleep, and shelter), physicality, physical identity, grounding.
Life Lesson to Master – The Muladhara chakra asks us to find safety and security while residing in the physical plane, to satisfy our basic needs for survival, and to embrace belonging to both the microcosm and the macrocosm.
Indications – The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor our energy in the manifested world.
Symptoms which indicate the root chakra is out of balance or that its polarities are either overactive or underactive include lack of self-esteem, procrastination, low sex drive, materialism, selfishness, egotism, a dominating personality, being overly-focused on sexuality, being possessive, or being fearful. People who are excessively negative or cynical, who have eating disorders, who are greedy or avaricious, who
feel unfocused or ungrounded, who are always in “survival mode mentality,” who are frequently victimized, or who are homeless may be suffering from an imbalance of root chakra energy.
Symptoms that indicate the root chakra is harmonious
energetically include feeling grounded and safe, having free-flowing energy and the ability to manifest abundance easily, being self-aware and having conquered the ego, and having entered the realm of self-mastery.
Circumstances which contribute to root chakra trauma include experiencing a difficult childhood, lacking a bonded relationship with the mother, enduring physical abuse or abandonment, living in an unsafe or fearful environment, or living in an oppressive or controlling religious belief system.

The 2nd Chakra – the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
This symbol represents the six-petaled lotus. The word Svadhisthana can be translated as “the dwelling place of the self.”
Color – Orange.
Element – Water.
Location – Lower abdomen, one to two inches from the navel.
Body Connection – Ovaries, testes, womb, kidneys, bladder, mid-spine.
Mantra – “VAM.”
Gems – Amber, orange calcite, carnelian, hematite, citrine.
Represents – Emotions, relationships, sexuality, sensual pleasure, feeling the outer and inner worlds, creativity, imagination.
Life Lesson to Master – The sacral chakra offers us the opportunity to express our creativity freely, to be fully, unconditionally present with our emotions, and to maintain our own identity and strength when engaging in activities and behaviors with others.
Indications – Symptoms that the sacral chakra is out of balance or that its polarities are overactive or underactive include having feelings of guilt, sexual shame, sexual dysfunction, resentfulness, or shyness. This person may fear change, be depressed, be dependent or codependent, be submissive, self-serving, manipulative, volatile, or aggressive.
An individual with an unbalanced sacral chakra may see others as sexual objects, may be controlling or lustful, and may have sexual obsessions or even a lack of sexual desire. They can have addictive personalities, may overindulge in fantasies, may be driven by their emotions (or may stuff their emotions), and/or they may feel numb or disconnected.
• Symptoms that indicate the sacral chakra is energetically in harmony include possessing strong intuitive skills, and being kind, friendly, and caring towards others. This person is in tune with their emotions and is creative. They experience a sense of wellness, and enjoy an abundant, pleasurable, and joyful lifestyle.
• Actions and situations which can result in trauma to the sacral chakra include sexual, emotional, or spiritual abuse, neglect, denial of a child’s feelings, living in an alcoholic or drug-addicted family, or living with a family that engages in religious extremism

The 3rd Chakra – the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)  This symbol represents a ten-petaled lotus. The word Manipura means “lustrous gem.”
Color – Yellow.
Element – Fire.
Location – Around the navel, in the area up to the breastbone. The solar plexus chakra is a source of personal power. It governs self-esteem, the power of transformation, and warrior energy.
Body Connections – Pancreas, stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, small intestine, upper abdomen, digestion, blood sugar, eyes, feet.
Mantra – “RAM.”
Gems – Citrine, golden topaz, amber, apatite, aquamarine, aragonite.
Represents – Personal identity, personality, confidence, self-discipline. This chakra governs the ability to take responsibility for one’s life and one’s intellectual and mental abilities. In balance, the Manipura chakra helps a person to shape their personal opinions and beliefs, and to make confident decisions. It controls a person’s will, personal power, and independence.
Life Lesson to Master – The solar plexus chakra helps us to live our life’s purpose without fear, judgement, or the need to manipulate or control others, and aids us in the quest to know who we are, at our core.
Indications – Symptoms which indicate the solar plexus chakra is out of balance or that its polarities are overactive or underactive include being deficient in personal power/energy, lacking purpose or ambition, misusing power or being manipulative, and/or wielding excessive control or authority over an environment or over others. The individual with an out of balance Manipura chakra may experience insecurity, self-consciousness, or low self-worth.
They may be overly sensitive, may cast themselves in the role of “servant,” and may be obsessed with pleasing others. This person may be a workaholic and may not feel comfortable with authority figures—yet may be irresponsible. Or, they may be overly ambitious or have a superiority complex. They may be obsessed with minor details, may ‘overthink’ things, and may frequently feel confused, helpless, or overwhelmed. If a person’s sacral chakra is harmonious energetically, they will feel relaxed, self-confident, and joyful, and will possess strong personal power.

Situations and conditions which will cause trauma to the solar plexus chakra include living in a controlling relationship, having excessive responsibilities, enduring physical or emotional abuse, and being bullied.

The 4th Chakra – the Heart Chakra (Anahata)
This symbol represents a twelve-petaled lotus. The Sanskrit word for the fourth chakra is Anahata, which means “unstruck” or “unhurt.”
Color – Green.
Element – Air.
Location – Center of the chest.
Body Connections – Thymus
gland, heart, cardiac plexus, breasts, lungs, diaphragm, lymphatic system, circulatory system, and blood.
Mantra – “YUM.”
Gems – Emerald, malachite, jade, rose quartz, clear quartz, green calcite.
Represents – Love for oneself and others, relationships, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, transformation, change, and the ability to grieve and reach peace. The Anahata chakra is our center of awareness; it controls our ability to integrate spiritual insights. This is the area where physical and spiritual realities meet; the bridge between our earthly and spiritual aspirations, our energetic connection with the All. In this heart-centered place, we can love unconditionally, and can appreciate the beauty in all things.
Life Lesson to Master – To experience a true, Divine
connection between yourself and others; to give and receive love freely.
Indications – Symptoms which indicate the heart chakra is out of balance or that either of its polarities are overactive or underactive include feeling as though one is unloved, and feeling victimized, indecisive, stressed, or jealous.

This person may be unable to feel—or, on the opposite side, may be paranoid, heartless, or ruthless. They may have a fear of intimacy but also be afraid to let go. They may be codependent, may rely on others’ approval, and may try at all costs to please others. They may even take on the role of ‘savior’ or ‘rescuer.’ On the other side of things, however, they may be antisocial and isolate themselves, they may be closed down emotionally—or they may express their emotions inappropriately.

They may be manic-depressive, experience mood swings, be overly defensive, hold a grudge easily, or have difficulty forgiving others. When a person’s heart chakra is in harmony energetically, they feel unconditionally loving, compassionate, empathic, and are balanced emotionally. It is through this chakra that we may transcend our personal identity and the limitations of the ego, and experience deep, meaningful relationships.
• A heart chakra can be traumatized if a person experiences abandonment; physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; the death of a loved one; a divorce; grief; or betrayal.

The 5th Chakra – the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
This symbol represents the sixteen-petaled lotus. The Sanskrit word for
the fifth chakra is Vishuddha, which means “especially pure.”
Color – Blue.
Element – Ether.
Location – The throat.
Body Connection – Thyroid,
parathyroid, jaw, mouth, tongue, larynx, throat, trachea, esophagus, neck, neck vertebrae, ears.
Mantra – “HUM.”
Gems – Sapphire, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise, amazonite.
Represents – The Vishuddha chakra relates to the element of sound. Through it, we speak, listen, and express ourselves.
This is the chakra of communication, whether verbal or non-verbal, external or internal, on the physical plane or in the etheric realms. Our intuitive abilities as well as our creative skills are exercised through this energetic center. Through the throat chakra, we project our ideas outward, we realize our true purpose in life, and we speak our truth.
Life Lesson to Master – To be heard and understood, and to speak effectively and authentically.
Indications – Symptoms which indicate the throat chakra is out of balance or that its polarities are overactive or underactive include being self-righteous, arrogant, egotistical, forceful with one’s opinions, controlling, judgmental, manipulative, unreliable, or cowardly. An individual with an unbalanced throat chakra may lie, gossip, talk too much or inappropriately, or may make hurtful comments about others. They may speak in a weak or small voice, be excessively shy, be fearful of speaking (or of speaking their truth), be unable to express their thoughts coherently, be unable to listen to others, or they may talk over others. They may lack communication skills, be unable to receive intuitive guidance, be unable to keep secrets or to keep their word, or have no connection with their life’s purpose.
• An individual whose throat chakra is in harmony energetically is a centered and clear communicator; they are artistic, compassionate, and can experience Divine energy easily.
Circumstances that can traumatize the throat chakra include being in an environment with constant yelling or fighting, experiencing intense criticism, not speaking up when required, living in a controlling environment, enduring verbal abuse, or living in a family with an addictive family member.

The 6th Chakra – the Third Eye Chakra (Anja)
This symbol represents two elements frequently associated with wisdom—the upside-down triangle and the lotus flower. The Sanskrit word Anja means “command,” “summon,” and “Perceive.”
Color – Indigo.
Element – Light.
Location – The area of the “third eye,” located in the space
between the eyebrows.
Body Connections – Head, the lower part of the brain,
pituitary gland, eyes, sinuses, nose, and face.
Mantra – “SHAM.”
Gems – Amethyst, lapis lazuli, azurite.
Represents – Inner vision, deep insight, intuition, movements of energy, perception of the subtle dimensions, and psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience. This chakra motivates and inspires our creativity and is the center through which we transcend duality, access mystical states, connect to Divine wisdom, and engage with the realm of spirits and the archetypal dimensions.
Life Lesson to Master – To trust your insight and intuition
(instead of the judgement that arises from holding onto limited beliefs) and to find peace in your own “knowing.”
Indications – Symptoms that suggest the third eye chakra is out of balance or that either of its polarities are overactive or underactive include being egotistical, manipulative, arrogant, dogmatic, insensitive, or oversensitive. The person with an out of balance Anja chakra puts others down, is afraid of success, has an overly analytical mind, and is limited by fear-based beliefs. They may be meek, undisciplined, or deluded, have a poor memory, unclear thoughts, or a limited imagination. They may live in an illusory reality, demonstrate obsessive behavior, or indulge in fantasies or illusions. They may live in denial of reality and feel stuck in their daily life.
• An individual whose third eye chakra is in harmony energetically trusts their “inner knowingness.” They are spiritually aware, imaginative, and tuned into their intuition. They have reached a level of self-mastery and have a pure vision of their life’s purpose. They are wise, non-materialistic, charismatic, and they easily manifest abundance.
• The following situations can cause trauma to the brow chakra: invalidation of one’s intuition, emotions, or feelings; living in an unsafe or fearful environment; or experiencing oppressive or controlling religious beliefs.

The 7th Chakra – the Crown Chakra (Sahasrāra)
This symbol represents the thousand-petaled lotus. The Sanskrit word Sahasrāra, means “thousand-petaled.” Some describe this chakra as the gateway to the cosmic self; the Divine self; or universal consciousness. It is linked to the infinite, universal mind.
Color – White, violet, gold.
Element – Spirit.
Location – Top of the head.
Body Connections – Upper brain, pineal gland, right eye, top of the head, midline above the ears, nervous system.
Mantra – The universal sound of “OM.”
Gems – Amethyst, selenite, sugilite, diamond, clear quartz.
• Represents – Awareness of cosmic consciousness, consciousness itself, communion with higher states of consciousness, connection with the formless, self-realization, liberation from limiting patterns and beliefs, wisdom, ecstasy, and bliss. The Sahasrāra chakra signifies the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment. It is the connective center to spirit; the “focal point” which integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities.
• By mastering the lower vibrational aspects of our beings, we reside in full awareness that we are spiritual beings living a human existence. The crown chakra is associated with the transcendence of human limitations, whether personal or bound to space and time.
• As we are immersed in crown chakra energy, we feel blissfully united with All That Is. This chakra allows us to access to our highest clarity and to attain enlightened wisdom.
Life Lesson to Master – To experience our full, Divine connection and to know the meaning of life.
Indications – Signs that the crown chakra is out of balance or that its polarities are either overactive or underactive include feeling frustrated, hopeless, indecisive, or sad. This individual may experience migraines, exhibit manic behavior, or be highly unfocused. They may feel disconnected from spirit—or, on the other side, they may have an obsessive attachment to spiritual matters. They may feel disconnected from their body or from earthly matters, may be isolated from others, or, on the opposite end of the scale, may be caught up in this-world, ego-driven activities. They may be closed-minded, lack imagination, and may feel frustrated that they are unable to realize their true power or attain their goals.
• When an individual is living in harmony with the energy of their crown chakra, they are open to the Divine and are often revered as miracle-workers and highly evolved people—even as real-life alchemists. They have no fear of death for they are self-realized and know that death does not exist.
• Trauma to the crown chakra can arise when a person is forced to live with “borrowed beliefs” or is obligated to participate in religious activities that do not resonate with their true belief systems.

To heal all wounds, we must first calm the war within by allowing light to enter through the lens of awareness. As we create space for more light to enter our energetic bodies, we light up the shadowy places that once kept us anchored in fear and ignorance. We become cosmically aware, we see truly, and are resurrected.
—Chantelle Renee   

 This post is an excerpt from my best-selling book Aligning with the Divine  

Take the chakra flow self-assessment quiz – This is a fun and simple test that will help you assess the strength of energy flow through your body.

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“If your eye be single; your whole body shall be full of light.” —Matthew 6:22

Chantelle Renee

Chantelle Renee is a certified hypnotherapist CH, level 2 QHHT practitioner, Transformational life coach, sound healer, and best-selling author of Aligning with the Divine. She is a catalyst of spiritual awakening and deep personal healing, bringing a unique blend of healing techniques together that works on all levels of your being (Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically). Emerging as a leading expert in spiritual hypnotherapy, soul healing, and deep emotional healing. Helping people experience the higher dimensions of themselves, reaching wisdom, purpose, and deeper lessons about this life and other lives. Helping many bring peace into their lives in her office in Springfield Illinois and around the world through phone and Zoom sessions. In addition to working with individuals, she conducts workshops, seminars, and group healing experiences.