“Seeking truth is the key to discovering life’s greatest mysteries. However, we must not cling too tightly to any truth, as there will always be…
“Seeking truth is the key to discovering life’s greatest mysteries. However, we must not cling too tightly to any truth, as there will always be…
“As we tune into our own thoughts and emotions, we can shift into the direction of our true intentions. It is at this point that…
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself “Those who seek outside of themselves become lost, those who seek within remember they’re already home.” -Chantelle Renee Past Life Regression…
“As we explore the aura and the chakras, it is important for us to view our journey not as revolutionary, but rather as very traditional….
Past Life Regression is based on the foundation of ‘Soul Science’, and the work in this field falls in the category of Transpersonal Psychology. Past Life Regression accelerates healing, transformation and conscious evolution in the clients who go through the sessions.
When twins are initiated to come back together, it is usually for some kind of spiritual service work. This is the primary reason for twin flame union, because through their union a huge birthing of unconditional loving energy that is released, to be used for their mission together. More and more twins are being initiated to reunite and help the planet and humanity move forward into higher states of unity consciousness, they will anchor a powerful healing energy to the earth upon their holy reunion.