“Everything flows out and in. Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything. The measure of the swing…
“Seeking truth is the key to discovering life’s greatest mysteries. However, we must not cling too tightly to any truth, as there will always be…
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself “Those who seek outside of themselves become lost, those who seek within remember they’re already home.” -Chantelle Renee Past Life Regression…
The ego defines our personalities, allowing us to experience polarity while living in the physical world. The ego (being practical, realistic, and mundane-life-focused as it is) can often try to sabotage our search for spiritual growth and union with the Divine (spirit, being as it is, impractical, ethereal, and transcendence-focused). As human beings, we must learn to mediate between the mandates of our egos and the longings of our souls.
There is an unlimited, unbound well of Divine Source energy that surrounds us at all times. As spiritual beings living in the material world, sometimes we can misunderstand and or misdirect our energetic power. Physical-world challenges, such as unconscious emotional blocks, can lead us away from our spiritual path and keep our energies focused on physical-plane issues