Are you ready to experience profound breakthroughs to finally reach that next level of growth?
Do you feel like there is something out there to help you, but you just haven’t found it yet?
You’re in the right place if you want to:
- End your battle with anxiety, stress, and negative self-talk so you can finally pursue your dreams.
- Reclaim your energy and stop feeling drained and disconnected so you can enjoy living your life again!
- Make time for personal development so you can have the emotional, mental, and physical balance you’ve been wanting
- Stop feeling bad about yourself and finally experience true self-love so you can be happy and joyful.
- Heal your mind, body, and spirit so you achieve self-mastery and obtain inner peace.
About Me
My name is Chantelle Renee, I am a certified hypnotherapist, Level 2 QHHT practitioner, transformational life coach, energy healer, author, and catalyst to help you break through what you’ve been struggling with.
Just some of the breakthroughs I’ve helped my clients achieve:
- Grow spiritually and experience awakening
- Overcome negative self-talk
- Soul Alignment
- Abundance blocks
- Fertility issues
- Obtain inner peace
- Energy Alignment
- Lose weight and keep it off
- Connect with angels and develop intuition & psychic abilities
- Stop smoking
- Pain management
- Manage stress and anxiety
- Experience new-found levels of energy and vibrancy
- Find emotional stability and balance
- Feel motivated and end procrastination
- Heal trauma and past pains
Each session is your personal opportunity to:
- Break free from old habits, outdated beliefs, and shift subconscious imprinting.
- Clear traumas, familial wounds, and ancestral imprinting down to the cellular level.
- Strengthen your nervous system, harmonize your mind and body, and recalibrate your energy field through energetic upgrades.
- Get clear on life direction, questions about relationships, and how to navigate the most miraculous forward movement throughout your life.
- Finally get on the other end of perpetual healing cycles—once and for all.

Experience Energy Healing And Hypnosis And Have The Breakthrough That Heals Your Mind, Body, And Spirit.
Please reserve your private session time here. I look forward to meeting you in session very soon.
Hypnotherapy a Safe, Rapid & Efficient Solution for…

Stress & Anxiety
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Social & relationship anxiety
- Stress (life & work related)
- Health anxiety
- Covid anxiety
- Test & performance anxiety
Relationship Issues
- Break-ups, divorce, & separation
- Recovery from toxic relationships including trauma & abuse
- Love dependencies
- Trust issues & fear (including commitment and neediness issues)
- Dating with confidence, attract and find love (You are worthy and deserving!)
- Attachment styles and love language
- Self-sabotage, co-dependency, abandonment, stocking social media
- Healthy communication
- Victim of narcissistic, gaslighting, controlling behavior
Weight Loss
- Binging & purging
- Sugar dependencies (are you diabetic?)
- Eating dependencies
- Eating too much (Hypno-Band)
- Body image & self-image
- Emotional Eating
Trauma Reversal
- Grief and loss
- Childhood trauma, life trauma
- Guilt & shame
- Anger (including anger management)
- Molestation & rape
Fears & Phobias
- Fear of flying, driving
- Blood, needles, getting sick, germs
- Public speaking
- Claustrophobia, heights, insects
- What are you afraid of?
Personal Development
- Improve confidence and self-esteem, stop comparing yourself
- Increase motivation, end procrastination, stop
- bad habits, & communication skills
- Money, abundance (what do you want?)
- Self-Love, acceptance
- Addiction
- Spirituality (what are my lessons and meaning in life?)
Medical Hypnosis
- Pain management
- Fibromyalgia, IBS
- Chronic Illness, mystery illnesses
- Psychological somatic symptoms
- Menopause
- May require doctors’ letter

Mayo Clinic Endorses the Infinite Advantages of Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is more effective than traditional therapeutic modalities. When combined with deep knowledge & life experience, Hypnotherapy becomes a guiding force.
Schedule a Consultation